Blisk – every web developer’s dream

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The availability of a large number of mobile devices with different screen sizes forces web developers to test the websites developed by them separately on each screen-size platform. This inconvenience is now brought to an end!

In the beginning of 2014, two brothers took on the hard task of facilitating the work of millions of web developers around the world by creating a cross browser.

Blisk is a uniquely cool free desktop browser, created especially for web developers who what to test their projects without needing to wonder how their websites look on different mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and on different browsers.

Blisk-code testing

Here are some of the functions it has:

  • Keep an eye on all mobile devices;
  • Synchronous scrolling;
  • Automatic refresh;
  • Possibility for screenshot and video recording;
  • Classic developer instruments.

The browser emulates a large number of popular mobile devices, which helps developers with code testing. This the developer can see how a given website performs on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. They can test the website by opening two windows on the same screen, one showing real-time device emulation.

The developer can see what happens with the page elements during simultaneous scrolling. That is, by moving the page in one window, they monitor what happens in the emulator window without having to switch between pages.

The automatic refresh function saves developers from the need to refresh the page after making changes. The browser automatically reloads the website as HTML or CSS text in the changes page. The in-built analytical instruments provide information about script errors, resources that fail to load, as well as compatibility with different types of browsers.

It has a great one-click screenshot functionality, allowing for notes to be taken on top of the image.The browser also has instruments for flaw tracking, such as Bugzilla, integration for collaboration applications – Trello and Asana, as well as Google Drive and TFS.

The screenshot functionality is very convenient, since it allows developers to report technical issues more easily. You can now share bugs with your team more efficiently than ever. Blisk automatically stores all screenshots in the cloud, which allows all team members to access them at any time.

The analysis function monitors your code for any issues, browser compatibility, speed problems and quality concerns. This is an additional time-saver, and can issue real-time warnings to developers about code errors.


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