It has become more and more apparent that technology will be an integral part of our lives more and more as we head into the future. From working using technology to depending on it to even work, information technology is critical. Given the economic hardship due to the pandemic and also the abundance of connectivity, we have seen a rise in cyber treats and actual cyber attacks on Unix Commerce. We have been able to recover from these attacks as we are on our toes but we want our clients to be aware of this. Become familiar with what you can do to protect yourself. Simply use your local law enforcement resources to see what you can do in your jurisdiction to protect you in the event of a cyber-attack. You can do something about it. Below is a link to our local Florida law enforcement cyber-crime reporting service. Please visit this site and become familar with its content. Thank you for taking the time to view this message.

Friday, January 15, 2021

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